Welcome to the Garden of Healing Fairy Tales
Once upon a time, there lived brave souls who dared to journey beyond the shadows of doubt and sorrow. Through twists of fate and whispers of magic, they discovered the secret to transforming self-defeating thoughts into newfound strength, and hurtful worries into the warm glow of compassion. These are their stories—woven with wonder and waiting to awaken the magic within you.
Three Birds
A heavy black ball is lodged in Maya’s belly. A luminous star, Siris, comes to help Maya free the three birds within it.
Reflected Mercy
Mercy is cloaked in shattered glass, each jagged fragment wounding her and all who dare to come near. When a humble grasshopper pleads for her aid to set his family free, she receives the biggest gift of all.
Mirror Mirror
Hattie feels like she’s never good enough until an unlikely Fairy Godmother shows her how to love herself.
Bela’s Song
Bela’s tongue is frozen solid, but she’s about to unleash its power to protect her with the help of her forest animals.
A Quest for Freedom
Aurelia wants to explore the world outside the forest her coven lives in but is bound by fear until one day she finds the courage to break free.
Veera’s Twisted Ear
Veera’s twisted ear bends all words into criticism, but the worst untruths are the ones she tells herself.
Mirror Sisters
When Sarah looks in the mirror, she only sees her big ears. But when she looks in her best friend’s mirror, she sees her beauty.
Singing Wind
She was Nameless. Those closest to her looked right through her, and she began to disappear altogether. But then the wind gave her a new name, and with it, a new life.
Lavender keeps herself safe from harm at home by being sweet as sugar. But outside, she discovers that only her truth will protect her.
Rainbow Tights
Violeta’s colorful clothes brighten her mood even though the town Mushies make fun of her. But she finds being true to herself is more important than fitting in.
Tarred Wings
The acrobatic bird Ginger loves to make soul-tingling loops in the air, but now her wings are stuck together. How will she get free?
Aina The Demon
Aina has demons for caretakers and she believes she is a demon as well. The reflecting pond reveals another truth.
Broken Compass
Neblina is lost in a churning ocean full of needy creatures. Her compass keeps spinning. She’s exhausted. Discover how she finds her inner compass.
The Girl Behind the Thorns
Three witch-mothers have thrown Regina out, and she must fend for herself in the wilderness. Her lizard friend reminds Regina of her strengths.
Harriet the Hardworking Honeybee
Harriet the Hardworking Honey Bee is the smallest bee. This means she has to work twice as hard. A caterpillar seems to have the solution. Or does he?
Freedom the Cat
An odd, orange cat with lustrous eyes sits upon a windowsill, come to save Luanne, a bone-thin woman, from the fear inside her heart.
The Glass Maiden
Maya feels darkness and pain inside her that she can’t share with anyone, unable to realize the treasure she carries with her.
Princess Aster and the Happiness Cake
A sad princess goes on a journey to meet a fierce dragon and pluck the petals of a magical flower which bring happiness back to the land.